Internal Memo: Of Marriages and Partnerships
To: All Women and the Men Who
Appreciate Them
From: A Somewhat Troublesome Woman
CC: My Partner & #1 Fan
Subject: Of Marriages and Partnerships
Reference the book of Genesis chapter
2 verse 18, I am by this memo requesting a hearing on some bugging questions
and thoughts I have had for a while with regards to the subject of marriage and
the kind of partnership it is supposed to be.
You see, by all intents and purposes
marriage is supposed to be a union between two people, a joining of their lives
and many other things pertaining to their lives. People go into marriage with the mind of sharing; their lives; their joys; their challenges; their fears; their success; and of course their property...
In comparative terms, marriages are supposed
to be like partnerships or mergers and not hostile takeovers and acquisitions. In the former, there is a union of equals whereas
in the latter, one ceases to exist and the other decides what to do with the
bought entity. Enough of the analogies.
So in my opinion, marriage is supposed
to be a partnership, one in which there is shared ownership and responsibility
for the success of the whole.
Okay, that being said, my first
question is “why do we still have fixed gender roles within our marriages?” Don’t get me wrong, I know there are some
things that a woman can do that a man can’t and vice versa, and that is not
what I’m puzzled about. The thing that
puzzle’s me is the rules that say the woman cooks, and the man does…eeeh…the
dishes…oh no, eats the food??? Or that
the husband works and brings the money and the woman…spends the dough? Or that the bathing, feeding, dressing, and
general upkeep of children is the responsibility of the woman. If we are responsible for the success of the
marriage, then shouldn’t the work involved be a shared responsibility?
My second question is “why do couples
not look at the growth of the family and share new responsibilities appropriately?" Comparatively, when a partnership in business
starts, there might be defined roles based on the strength of the partners and their
areas of expertise, but as the business grows and new situations emerge,
partners will usually take on extra roles and be fair in the sharing of those
roles to make sure one partner is not inundated with work. Why can’t our marriage partnerships be the
same? In my estimation, children spell a
growth in the family and are a huge responsibility but very often the task of
care for them falls mostly on women.
My last question (for now) is “what is
the contribution of women in the decision making process”. There are quite a number of women who have
become assistants and subordinates to their husband in this partnership. They only carry out the decisions of their husbands
and assist them take care of the home. And
please don’t refer me to my reference quote, Genesis 2:18.
I believe that is one of the most misinterpreted
quotes in the Bible. You see, the
misinterpretation is the fact that “help meet” is assumed to mean an assistant,
or someone who is subordinate to you.
True. There is support implied in
that passage, but the Hebrew interpretation of that word ‘help’ is ‘ezer’
meaning “strong aid that is desperately required” whiles the Hebrew
interpretation of the word ‘meet’ is “kenedgo,” which literally means “facing
him,” or “as in front of him.” The idea is that the woman is a help
(strong aid) that faces the man. Once again,
a partnership of equals is strongly implied.
I’m not sure that doing dishes, making
food or keeping the house clean is so impossible that the man needed God to
bring him a woman for that purpose. Yes, women would mostly love to do these
things as well, but there is a certain help that a man can’t find in any other
man that only a woman can give if only they could consider their wives as
partners and not assistants? Think about
I still need answers to my questions!
Thank you.
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