My Letter to God

Wednesday, May 30, 12

Jehovah Elyon
The God Almighty
No. 1 Golden Street
Upper Chambers,

Good morning Jehovah Elyon,

Request for data on pertinent life issues

I know that this letter finds you alive and at work in my life, doing many things that I very often don't know and understand.  In reference to our last conversation, I am by this letter formally requesting for some comprehensive information on the under listed issues regarding my life:

Where am I going?
Dear Lord, the question of where I’ve come from and where I am, are ones that I can readily answer.  I don’t even have to do a SWOT.  The question of where I’m headed to is the one that plagues me most.  Given that most of my life plans hardly even go as planned, I am really in desperate need of information regarding the direction I’m headed in.  Should I continue in this ministry?  Are my methodologies and decisions as a wife leading where you expect me to go?  Am I making the right choices as a mother for my kids?  Should I keep all my current friends around?  The list is quite endless.  I will really appreciate some further information that will help guide my life choices even as I go…

Why do bad things happen to good people?
Lord, the above question is one that bugs me and begs to be answered.  I’ve tried to get the answer from some of the wise people you place here on earth but I’m yet to get a satisfactory one.  I know of great people who have served you and dedicated themselves to your work and although your word says that the righteous will enjoy the fruits of their deeds, some of these people have had great misfortunes in life.  Is there an ultimate lesson?  Are they supposed to only enjoy in heaven? Will you multiply their gains after their troubles, like in the case of Job?  Will they only enjoy their benefits in Heaven?  Some insight here will be extremely helpful.

What’s my purpose?
Hmmm.  I desperately need a response on this Lord.  This question has been on my mind since the beginning of the year.  On my birthday this year (in January), Daniel, you know, my smallish friend, asked what I wanted from You.  I thought of it for a while and answered that I wanted to know your purpose for my life and to make sure I do it.  I am still not sure what it is.  Lord, I am constantly praying and doing new things that I hope will please you.  I’ve even taken on a number of new tasks (I’ve been shying away from) hoping that it may be what you expect of me.  I’m still not sure and will really appreciate it if you could give me some sign to let me know if I’m on working on my purpose.

Will I ever be like Bill Gates? (That is, in terms of the money)
I know you may be shaking your head and wondering where this is coming from, but I had to ask.  And any other person who is privy to this letter will be lying if they say they’ve not thought of this before.  Please do not brush it off, its really important for me to know why some people through hard work get to be billionaires and others through the same hard work become hundred-aires.  I would really appreciate a couple of million dollars in this lifetime and will stand by in anticipation of your response.

Generally, there are still some more questions to do with whether or not I’m doing the right things now, how I should relate to the people around me, my current job and how it fits into the scheme of things, among others.  I however think that those are questions we can discuss in our next meeting. 

For further clarifications on the issues raised, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. 

I look forward to your response.

Yours faithfully,
Hannah Araba Opoku Gyamfi


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