For the Men in our lives…just so you know….!

For the Men in our lives…just so you know….!

Women are complicated!!!

I wonder what guy has never made that statement before.  Even if they haven’t they've most probably thought it.  This is not an accusation.  It’s just a statement of fact. 

I came across some color definitions in a fashion article (yes I read them) this morning that got me thinking about how complicated we are as women.  For once, I actually felt sorry for all guys who have to be involved in choosing wedding colors these days…

I was however reminded of a passage in the bible that commands “Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered” (1 Peter 3:7).

For me, living with your wife with understanding means a number of things:

1.        Get to know your wife
Take time to find out everything you can about your wife.  Talk to her, not about the things you need to do or she has to do, but about how she’s doing, what she wants to do, etc.
2.       Be considerate of her
"Understanding" implies being thoughtful and sensitive.  Always think of your wife’s wellbeing and you will be well on your way to understanding her.
3.      Be her champion
The bible says the woman is "a weaker vessel".  This weakness is physical and doesn’t mean that the woman is beneath the man.  As a husband, you are therefore her protector and defender.  Don’t let your wife trot after you.  Walk with her, hold her hands and open the car door for her.  And definitely don’t let anyone mistreat your wife, especially your family.
4.      Be her friend 
Treat your wife with respect.  Share your life with her.  Don’t keep your challenges away from her because you want to spare her.  Get her involved in your projects.  Take her out.  Do stuff together. 
That being said, I will do you guys a favor and let you know the new names for colors these day…so you can hold your own in the color conversation… And by the way, according to Pantone[1], these are the colors for spring 2014…just so you know! *:D big grin

New Color
Color Sample
Dazzling Blue

Violet Tulip
Lavender (it’s actually a flower)

Radiant Orchid
A brighter lavender

Celosia Orange
Think Hermes


Bright yellow

Spicy, like the pepper

Placid Blue
Sky blue, as it’s more commonly referred

You know it as gray

That stuff at the beach

A pretty pale green despite its poisonous sounding name

[1] Pantone, Inc. is the authority on color, provider of color systems and leading technology for accurate communication of color. 


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