

For about an hour, I sat down by myself, playing the scenes of the last 24hours in my head over and over again.  I analysed it from as many angles as I possibly could and repeated the dialogues in my head. 

“Could I have said it in another way?”  “Could I have let some of the comments from the other side pass; even if it was only to say the fashionable ‘no comment’ to the imaginary paparazzi?”   “Could I have pretended not to hear some of the things that were said?”  “Could I have decided for once, not to fight and let him get away with being so wrong about everything…oh well, most of it…say about 60%...70% okay in fairness 85% right?”


That which makes you go back and dissect and bisect your thoughts, actions and motivations. 

That which makes you get off your high horses and apply yourself to the task even when you are not getting your way. 

That which makes you slowly and surely come to the realization that you are not always right. 

That which makes you look into the past and admit that you did or have made a big, big mistake. 


That which most mere mortals can’t seem to do.

In my short time here on earth, I have come to realize that if people gave a little time and effort to inner reflection here and there, they would not continue making the same mistakes over and over again.  If they gave at least an hour every now and then to think of the decisions and choices they make and how they would affect other people apart from themselves, they may not self-destruct.  If they could be frank with themselves, they may have saved that relationship by realizing that although they were 70%...okay 85% right, the other party was also 85% right. 

You see, you are both likely to be looking at the same thing from different angles; therefore the picture will definitely be different.

Introspection…self-examination, contemplation, self-analysis, reflection…


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