I guess sometimes I behave like a guy…

I forgot today is my anniversary…

I've heard too many times that it’s the men who always forget anniversaries, birthdays and other stuff.  Nana (my husband) is no different.  He’s forgotten a couple of birthdays and a lot of other dates. 

This morning, for some funny reason, we both broke our morning routines.  Instead of praying together as is our habit we just got into a conversation about life and where we’re heading as a couple.  Chatting from the bedroom, we ended up in the veranda.  As Jujay
and his cousins got ready for school, we both got updates on what’s happening in our individual quarters, new plans, advice and encouragement on how to proceed and shared a couple of jokes.  It was a really lovely morning. We rushed off to get ready for work and even ended up coordinating our outfits – he wore a shirt in the same material as the dress I had on. Of course I wore mine first J

It was in the middle of my ‘journey’ to the office that I realized was date it was today. October 1, 2013.   Eight years ago, we had our traditional marriage (a week before the wedding)…and I forgot!

I quickly called Nana to let him know he “forgot!” our anniversary and that he was going to have to pay...you know how we do...   The truth of the matter is that, I also forgot.

For me, this reflection makes me wonder why we we usually make that big a deal about anniversaries.  Don’t get me wrong, it is important to celebrate the landmarks in our lives.  A second or fifth honeymoon. But trust me, if you take time to give that extra attention to your partner everyday, the date would not make a difference. 

Frankly, this morning was a nice one…and I’m sure I’d push a little home advantage, for being the first one to remember…but what makes it real special, was the fact that we did something different not because it was our anniversary, but because we made time for each other…

Happy 8th anniversary love…there are happier days ahead of us…  


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