Its gets better with age…

In my last blog, Marriage 101:  The low down on making IT work!!!  Araba’s 411!, I’d written about our experiences in eight years of marriage and some of the things I’ve come to learn over that time.  One of the things I’d mentioned was the fact for Nana and I, things have gotten better with time. 

Surprising enough, just the other day, I came across an article that seems to shed some more light on this… 

Whiles I read this article, I was reminded of Tuckman & Jenson’s “Five Stages of Team Building” and realized how we can draw parallels between the stages of team building and our marriages…So in one of my rear academic moments (they don’t come very often) I’ve summarized the five stages of group/team building as:

Stage One:  Forming
Basic Question:  Why are we here?
Basic Characteristics: Showcasing clear differences, little work accomplished, leadership challenged, feelings of anxiety and confusion
Marriage Comparison:  The new culture?  To decide or discuss. Who does what at home? 
Main sentiments:  Okay…so how come I didn’t notice this….nature?  Hmmm…what have I gotten myself into?
Advice:              Talk!  Work to overcome the tensions.  Respect each other’s opinions. Have a goal as a couple and work through to accomplish it (them).

Stage Two:  Storming
Basic Question:  Can we work together?
Basic Characteristics:  More conflicts emerge as members negotiate tasks.  Instability.
Marriage Comparison:  Who’s the head?  Don’t Challenge my authority.  Who manages the finances and how?
Main Sentiments:  This is tougher than I realized.  Will we make it?
Advice:  Talk!  Bring conflicts out in the open and deal with them.  Learn to work together.

Stage Three:  Norming
Basic Question:  How will we work together?
Basic Characteristics:  Rules created, team pride develops, norms established for how people treat each other.
Marriage Comparison:  We now understand each other.  Well, that is how he/she is! I take care of this, and you take care of that. 
Main Sentiments:  It’s not so bad after all. 
Advice: Talk!  Deepen understanding and share opinions.  Evaluate each other critically and constructively.

Stage Four:  Performing
Basic Question:  How can we work smarter?
Basic Characteristics:  Team becomes more functional and creative.  Works faster and better on tasks. Shares leadership and responsibility easily.
Marriage Comparison:  Joint family projects.  Individual and family growth.    
Main Sentiments:  Hey!  This is really working!!!   
Advice:  Talk!  Deal with issues that could get swept under the carpet for fear of shaking the “boat”?  Don’t take each other for granted

Stage Five:  Mourning/Re-forming
Basic Question:  Should we continue?
Basic Characteristics:  Group celebrates achievements or disbands and mourns loss of group. 
Marriage Comparison:  Have we hit a rut?  Where is a butterfly when you need one?  Empty nest? 
Main Sentiments:  I’m really getting tired of this…is there anything better out there?    
Advice:  Talk!  Push through.  Come up with new goals as a couple and start working towards them. 

Araba’s Take:
This is what I’ve come to realize…
1.     The only way you can succeed in your marriage is if you work together as a team.  The Bible says in Amos 3:3 Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?

2.    The first two stages of any team, including marriage are very difficult.  The duration of these difficult stages often depends on the maturity of the people involved.   

3.    The stages in marriage and any team are not systematic.  Most often, we get to the norming or performing stages in our marriages only to be thrown back to forming by the arrival of a new member of the team…baby or by a situation in the marriage…

4.    Keep at it!  I thought we promised each other forever…so why the rush.  Keep working at it and if you ever hit the last stage…take my advice…stop! collaborate and listensorry…develop new goals and reform.

It’s great to be part of a team!


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